Physics Doctoral School, University of Pécs - Study requirements

Physics Doctoral School
The study requirements and the order of administration are coordinated by the regulations of the Doctoral School of Physics at the University of Pecs in accordance with the university regulations. The regulation's brief summary can be found below:
  1. The doctoral program has eight semesters.
  2. The doctoral program takes place in two stages:
    • Stage 1: "Training and research phase" for 4 semesters.
    • Stage 2: "Research and dissertation phase", which has additional 4 semesters.
  3. The amount of credits to be obtained during doctoral studies in the two stages of the program are: 120+120=240 credits.
  4. The credits can be obtained for various forms of activity:
    • participation in training ("study credits"),
    • teaching,
    • research,
    • analysing literature,
    • publication of research results,
    • brief written summary of the student’s progress.
  5. Mandatory courses in the doctoral program:
    Quantum optics and quantum informatics Laser physics, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy Physics of many-particle systems
    Presentation of selected scientific papers (János Hebling)
    Quantum optics I.
    (János Bergou, Péter Ádám)
    Optics (János Hebling) Physics of multi-particles (Tamás Gál)
    Quantum informatics I: Theory
    (János Bergou, Péter Ádám)
    Physics of lasers (János Hebling) Mathematical methods in the physics of multi-particles (Tamás Gál)
  6. Subjects of the complex exam:
      Doctoral program
    Quantum optics and quantum informatics Laser physics, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy Physics of many-particle systems
    1st Subject Quantum mechanics Optics Physics of multi-particles
    2nd Subject Quantum informatics Laser physics Mathematical methods in the physics of multi-particles
  7. Credit requirement of activities:
    • At the first stage (from the 1st to the 4th semester): In total 120 credits have to be obtained
        Credits Comments How to verify
      Minimum Maximum
      Study credits 30 48 For the completed courses, which are approved by the supervisor: 1 lesson (45 minutes)/week in a semester is worth 2 credits. Credits can be obtained by cross-curricular courses organized by other doctoral programs or universities if it is based on the suggestion of the supervisor and the doctoral program’s leader permits it. It is verified by the teacher of the course.
      Teaching 16 32 1 lesson (45 minutes)/week in a semester is worth 2 credits. Az oktatási tevékenységet a Fizikai Intézet oktatási felelőse igazolja.
      Analysing literature 0 24 The literature to be analysed is selected by the supervisor. 0, 2, 4, or 6 credits can be obtained in a semester. It is verified by the supervisor.
      Research 6 32 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 credits can be obtained in a semester. It is verified by the supervisor.
      Brief summary after the 2nd semester 3 12 3, 6, 9, or 12 credits can be given by the supervisor for the presentation or for the written summary (max. of 15 pages) which summarize the progress of the PhD student. It is verified by the supervisor.
    • At the second stage (from the 5th to the 8th semester): In total 120 credits have to be obtained
        Credits Comments How to verify
      Minimum Maximum
      Study credits 0 16 For the completed courses, which are approved by the supervisor: 1 lesson (45 minutes)/week in a semester is worth 2 credits. Credits can be obtained by cross-curricular courses organized by other doctoral programs or universities if it is based on the suggestion of the supervisor and the doctoral program’s leader permits it. It is verified by the teacher of the course.
      Teaching 0 24 1 lesson (45 minutes)/week in a semester is worth 2 credits. The teaching activity is verified by the senior colleague responsible for teaching at the Institute of Physics at the University of Pecs.
      Analysing literature 0 12 The literature to be analysed is selected by the supervisor. 0, 2, 4, or 6 credits can be obtained in a semester. It is verified by the supervisor.
      Research 0 16 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 credits can be obtained in a semester. It is verified by the supervisor.
      Publication 72 96 Maximal worth of publication in an international refereed journal is 30 credits, presentation at an international conference is 20 credits, poster at an international conference is 15 credits, other publication is 10 credits. The publications can be registered in any semester after the acceptance.. It is verified by the doctoral program’s leader, who’s decision is based on the suggestion of the supervisor.